Payments & Security

Secured Data

All personal information submitted via is encrypted and secure.  

By paying with PayPal, ShopPay, or GPay, you are placing the payment information directly on their servers (not ours) and they use top-rated security measures. 

For your peace of mind uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, (the highest standard in Internet encryption technology), to ensure maximum protection of credit card and personal information, whenever it is transmitted. 

In addition, (formerly McAfee SECURE) actively monitors for security issues and has Certified us as a website.  


PayPal is PayPal Verified and provides this method of payment as an easy alternative payment method. 

Ellie Jules will only ship to a confirmed PayPal shipping address. Promotion codes must be entered on the site before clicking on the PayPal button.


Credit Cards processed by ShopPay accepts all major credit cards as a method of payment. We can only ship to a confirmed shipping address. is Verified by ShopPay which is one of the most globally recognised merchant payment processors.


Some orders may require manual shipping and payment verification checks with the bank, credit card company, PayPal or ShopPay. Usually, this is a fast process, but with some financial institutions and under some circumestances, it may take an additional 24-48 hours following order placement. 



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